Quick Tip: What Do I Do With My Will?

You've been proactive, taken stock of your estate planning goals, and created a Will.  Hopefully, you've secured some peace of mind.  Take the following steps to keep your will safe and keep that peace of mind:

  • Destroy any prior wills, if any, to avoid confusion and conflict later.
  • Put the will in a safe place, i.e. a safe deposit box or a fireproof safe.  For a small fee, you can even file it with the court in your county of residence to ensure that your will does not get lost.  
  • If you feel comfortable doing so, tell your beneficiaries where your will is located.  
  • Make several copies of your will and keep them safe, but separate from the original.  
  • Keep other important documents with or near your will, i.e. tangible personal property lists and other documents that will be relevant to the administration of your estate.
  • Go through your will every year and make sure it still reflects your wishes, especially if your circumstances have changed through events such as marriage, divorce, or childbirth.

You've taken steps to achieve your estate planning goals and ease the administration of your estate upon your death.  Keep your documents updated and keep them safe.